Former ANTHRAX Singer DAN NELSON Joins Forces With TESTAMENT's BOSTAPH In New Project

October 6, 2009

The Metal Den's Randy "Rocket" Cody recently conducted an interview with former ANTHRAX vocalist Dan Nelson. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

The Metal Den: You issued a statement in concern with the whole ANTHRAX matter via your manager back in July, so I am not here to beat a dead horse on the subject. Looking back on it all now though, would you agree that there was a serious "chemistry" issue going on with you and the other band mates? Or with maybe one person in particular?

Dan: I've always felt that it's better to move on in life and look forward to the futureā€¦ rather than concern yourself with the past.

The Metal Den: Anyone who was out at the shows or watched video of your live performance while in the band continues to shake their heads at all of this, because you clearly would've ended up being very successful with them. Do you ever sit back now and think about what could have been had you remained in ANTHRAX?

Dan: I never live my life with any regrets and never look back and wish I did something different. I chose instead to look forward to the future. We did some great things in the time we wrote and performed together, and I am very proud of that.

The Metal Den: After hearing your version of "Worship Music" (with your vocals on it),do you think fans would have dug it as much as it was being anticipated?

Dan: Absolutely.

The Metal Den: You told me you're now working on a new musical project. Is it going to be a solo Dan Nelson effort? Or with a new band entirely?

Dan: I have been writing my own music. But I am singing and playing guitar in the band INSIDE HOLLOW, as well as working on a new metal project with Paul Bostaph [TESTAMENT, SLAYER, EXODUS, FORBIDDEN] that is coming out killer! Where is it being recorded and who is producing it? No set studios or producers just yet. We are still in the writing process with both bands.

Read the entire interview from The Metal Den.

Video footage of ANTHRAX's June 28, 2009 concert (with soundboard-quality audio) at the Graspop Metal Meeting on the festival grounds of the Boeretang in Dessel, Belgium can be viewed below.

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